How to get unstuck
We all get stuck. It happens.
In the coaching world, we hear a lot about getting "unstuck", but what does that actually mean? What wizard magic is happening behind the scenes?
I watch so many people get clear on their dreams, only to seemingly not do anything about them. I used to get frustrated with people who only paid lip service to their biggest dreams for their life. I couldn't understand what would cause them to bring their dreams to a halt.
The short of it: We get scared. We don't know what to do next. We want to "succeed".
I was walking out to go surfing the other morning and I passed a family trying to take a group photo at sunrise. The pink sky was going away as the sun rose higher — they were losing their background for the photo. As she was trying to snap a fun photo, I hear the mom yell out, "hurry up, just do something!", and it hit me.
Hurry up, just do something.
You don't have to know the "right" next step, in fact, I don't think "right" is the answer here. I always tell people to aim for the shittiest version of a "first draft" for your goal. We learn incredible amounts from failure, and to think that we should be gliding through life making zero mistakes is insane.
You may have heard of the concept of 100 no's or 100 days of rejection (you're going to want to watch that TED Talk, it's hilarious). Why do this? You don't learn much from the yes's, but you learn immense amounts from the no's. You build up the tolerance for hearing no, you change your metric for "success", you learn how to turn no's into yes's, and ultimately, you are no longer scared to go after that big dream of yours — you can achieve your dream just by asking.
In those moments you feel fear creep in, I also believe it's a time to get grateful. It means you've found something important to you, something you really value. Dig into that feeling, get curious, be grateful you're knocking on the door of your dream.
These fancy tactics are simply perspective-shifters to get you moving.
So, in that moment, remind yourself of our photographer/mom's wise words, "hurry up, just do something."
Peace & laughs,